Dost ve kardeş Fas’ta meydana gelen deprem felaketinden etkilenen tüm Fas halkına geçmiş olsun dileklerimi iletiyorum. Hayatını kaybedenlere Allah’tan rahmet, yaralılara acil şifalar diliyorum.
وأتقدم بأطيب تمنياتي إلى كافة الشعب المغربي المتضرر من كارثة الزلزال في المغرب الصديق والشقيق. رحم الله من فقدوا أرواحهم وأتمنى
الشفاء العاجل للجرحى
I convey my best wishes to all Moroccan people affected by the earthquake disaster in friendly and brotherly Morocco. May God have mercy on those who lost their lives and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured.
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